Congregation Bat-Tzion is a religious assembly of those who believe in Elohim, the creator, the G-d whose name is יהוה [Yahu’ah], and in His Messiah, Yeshua, The Son of Elohim.
Congregation Bat-Tzion meets weekly on the Shabbat [Sabbath], the seventh day of the week, at 9:30 AM for prayer, 10:00 am for music rehearsal, 10:45 am for Hebrew, 11:30 for Torah lessons, and 1:00 pm to 3:00 PM for worship.
Congregation Bat-Tzion also meets online weekly on the 5th day of the week at 7 PM for Torah Study. This study is currently on hiatus.
Congregation Bat-Tzion meets throughout the year at various times appointed by Yah for holy convocations, or the assembly of His people at His appointed times, as expressed in VaYikra 23 [Leviticus 23]. Pesakh, Matzot, Bikkurim, Shavuot, Yom Teruah, Yom HaKippurim, and Sukkot. Further, the congregation meets at Khannukah [John 10] and Purim [Esther].
Congregation Bat-Tzion meets at various times “from house to house” both to open and close the Shabbat together [the evenings of the sixth and seventh days, respectively], and for various other opportunities of fellowship.
Congregation Bat-Tzion meets at 27635 Commerce Oaks Drive, Suite 125B, Oak Ridge North,TX 77385
Congregational meetings are private, but all men, women and children—whether they are believers or not—are welcome to attend our services, as long as they are willing to conform to our practices and not disrupt our way of life and style of worship.
When a person repents and dedicates their life to Messiah and His Torah, we immerse that person according to Torah and perform Smikhah to ask for the imparting of the Ruakh HaKodesh. When a person attending believes they have a valid conversion experience by some other method or sequence, we acknowledge that the Scriptures do record some exceptions to this, and that issue must be worked out between the believer and Elohim.
Food described as unclean in VaYikra (Leviticus) 11 should not be brought to any congregational meal nor served to other members without their knowledge and consent.
Drunkenness, theft, fighting, inappropriate dress, inappropriate sexual contact, smoking, or the use of mind- altering drugs at any congregation meeting or other congregational event are not permitted because they are a danger to those attending and a bad example to everyone.
People attending services and activities of the congregation agree not to attempt to sue the congregation or any member of it in a government court but will use the procedure found in Matthew 18:15-17 and the congregation’s membership covenant.
Congregation Bat-Tzion performs wedding ceremonies only for its members, and only for male and female unions, as Elohim created male and female, and instructed us concerning marriage and physical union only between male and female. While we respect others’ freedom to choose, we also assert that we are free to choose not to participate in something that violates His written word.
Membership in the local congregation is legitimized for those who regularly keep the Sabbath’s congregational worship more than 25 times per year and who will publicly acknowledge that they have committed their lives to יהוה and His Messiah and Torah, agreeing to all the tenets and publicly declaring that agreement to the congregation on or about the anniversary of their first year of attendance. Such membership is not a “recognition of conversion”, but a commitment to serve in the local congregation and walk in peace with its members.
People who are disruptive to congregational meetings, who attempt to teach false doctrine or doctrines contrary to these basic tenets, or who openly practice sin [Gal 5:19-21, 2 Tim 3:1-5] may be removed as members and/or barred from attending according to the procedure given in Matthew 18:15–17 and the membership covenant.
Congregation Bat-Tzion has a Beit Din [board of elders] of 7 members, who attest to the tenets of trust [faith ] herein listed, and who have agreed together to support the congregation prayerfully and dutifully, as indicated by undersigning herein. New Beit Din members are appointed under advisement of the current Beit Din and currently is comprised of the following:
- Keith and Ileana Mathenia – Shammash [Servant]
- Tim and Teresa Johnson – Shammash
- Wil Roybal – Shammash
Brief summary of the core beliefs of Congregation Bat-Tzion
Hebrews 6:1-2 lists the basic tenets of faith necessary for all who fellowship with Bat-Tzion. Below is an explanation of those six tenets.
First, we believe the most important facet of faith in the Messiah is understanding who He is, and understanding who יהוה G-d is. One cannot do this without the Word of G-d. There are many people claiming that they know who G-d is, and that they know who the Messiah is, and that they know the way to G-d; but Yeshua prophesied that this would happen, saying “Many will come in My name saying I am the Messiah, and deceive many.” Indeed, many do come in His name, and they do say that “Jesus” is the Messiah, but do they know Him? The evidence of the knowledge of G-d is alignment/agreement with His Word.
Who does the Word say is the Messiah? Our Messiah is a Jew. His name is Yeshua. His full name is יהוה [Yahu’ah] Yeshua HaMashiakh. He is the only begotten Son of G-d. What god? Who is G-d? “ יהוה G-d”, the Creator, the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: He is G-d; and only He. His Name is יהוה (Yahu’ah): a name HE has conferred to His Son (Heb 1:4, John 17:11, Acts 2:36). His WORD, finally written down, existed in G-d in the beginning and proceeded forth from Him, and was conceived in a woman, and became a body: Yeshua, His Son, the only man ever born solely of a woman by the power of His Ruakh. He is the only sinless man ever to live; He is the Son of G-d . He came out of His Father, having been sent into the world on many occasions before His natural birth, in many forms, as recorded in scripture. He became a body, flesh. While on earth, He was fully man, and was subjected to every temptation, but succumbed to none, because He came with the ‘Q’noma,’ the innate nature of His Father, and NOT the ‘nature’ of Adahm: Man; He was fully human, flesh and blood, but He was not conceived in sin, and did not possess the fallen, sin-nature of all mankind. Further, He was equal with G-d His Father in authority: יהוה G-d had given Him all authority on earth. He demonstrated this authority in many ways, according to the gospels, our written account of His life, not the least of which is by His living according to Torah, the written Word of G-d. His final proof of His authority from the Father was His resurrection from the dead. He was slain by the world, not by the Jew only; slain by His love for us and His voluntary sacrifice of Himself for the sin of all mankind. He was slain on Passover, buried during the feast of Unleavened Bread, and He rose from the dead on the feast of Firstfruits. He ascended into heaven some forty days later, and on the fiftieth day after Bikkurim [Firstfruits – when Messiah rose from the dead], on Shavuot, He sent His Ruakh HaKodesh (Holy breath/spirit) to the eyewitnesses of His resurrection and ascension, who gave an oral and written account of what they had seen and heard, and with whose witness we agree, as does history. “G-d has raised this Yeshua to Life….therefore, let all Yisra’el be assured of this: G-d has made this Yeshua whom you executed on the stake to be both יהוה and Messiah”. (Acts 2:32-36) This is a very particular Yeshua, not just any Joshua born in Yisra’el, but a very particular one. Not just any “Jesus” whom the world may preach: but the Yeshua who is the living Torah, who pours out power from heaven for those who know Him; the one who is still a Jew (Rev 5), and has not abandoned the Scriptures (the Torah, Genesis to Revelation.) He is the one who is divine and human, then and now (“I proceeded forth and came out of my Father”) . He is the one by whom G-d created all things. He is the “breathed” Word to mankind, through whose will the Holy Breath/Spirit (Ruakh HaKodesh) flows to us. He is the one who is seated at the right hand of the Almighty G-d, and will judge the world according to the Torah! Every soul will give an account of his actions for and against G-d’s will, which is ONLY defined in Torah (1John 3:4).
Knowing this, we at Congregation Bat-Tzion have found joy in serving יהוה differently than the world. We serve יהוה Yeshua HaMashiakh with joy, by celebrating His Sabbaths and the other Feasts together in study, worship, and fellowship. We serve Yah by keeping the rest of His feasts in their Appointed Seasons, on the days He prescribed. We serve Him by living our lives separately from the world, yet without alienating or judging the world: all are sinners. That separation is clearly defined in His Word: Yeshua Himself prayed that WE would be sanctified by His Word! (John 17:17) His prayer for us is that we would obey the Father and His Word, which He came to reveal, not repeal, and that we would prove that our obedience is from the heart by loving one another in it. When we have done our job, and the Gentile believers are “full”, He will then appear before all mankind on Yom Kippur (The Day of יהוה , most call the ‘Day of the L-rd’) and judge those who reject Him and His Word. There is too much blur in religion that is too closely linked to disobedience. Do we believe in grace? ABSOLUTELY! But NOT that it licenses us to sin (to go against Torah). But that grace purges us of all sin, and while believing yet failing, it meets the Torah where we fall short (sin), fulfilling righteousness in us. But, we have found the Power of G-d in obedience to His Word and to truth, the right understanding of His Word through HIM! Simple obedience! Joyful Obedience! Obedience comes when we put down our own will, and obey His Voice! All of us at Bat-Tzion have known what it is to know the Messiah and not know His Power. We now know the difference. We now know Him in such a way as not to walk through life ordinarily, trodden down, enslaved to sin, confused, et cetera. We’re humbled by His Word every day, and in awe of His Power. This, we believe! Barukh Haba B’shem יהוה ! B’emeth, bo, Adonai Yeshua!
A comprehensive, though not exhaustive explanation, is offered below:

1. We believe in the existence of the creator, blessed be He. He is the one true G-d, the G-d of Avraham (Abraham), Yitz’khak (Isaac), and Ya’akov (Jacob) as revealed in the Holy Scriptures of the Tanak (Original Covenant) and the Brit Khadasha (Renewed Covenant). Genesis 1:1; Exodus 3:6,14; Acts 7:32
2. We believe that G-d always was, is, and will be. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He said “I change not.” He is the Everlasting One. Psalms 90:2, 93:2; Isaiah 40:28; Malakhi 3:6; Daniel 4:3
3. We believe that G-d is the creator of the heaven and the earth, and that all things were created by Him, and for Him. Genesis 1:1, 21, 27, 5:2; Psalms 89:12; Isaiah 42:5, 43:1, 45:12, 18, Revelation 4:11
4. We believe that G-d is spirit and we are to serve Him in spirit and in truth. Genesis 1:2, 6:3; John 4:23-24
5. We believe that G-d is one (ekhad) and beside Him there is no other. His name is יהוה [Yahu’ah] “Hear O Yisra’el, יהוה is your G-d, יהוה is one.” [Deuteronomy 6:4]. Exodus 20:3, 34:14; Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 44:6, Mark 12:29
6. We believe that G-d is the redeemer and there is no other. Isaiah 44:6, 44:24, 47:4, 48:17, 49:7, 49:26, 54:5, 54:8, 59:20, 60:16, 63:16; Jeremiah 50:34
7. We believe that G-d is a personal G-d who is concerned about the affairs of mankind. He is our heavenly Father and we seek to have and build a personal relationship with Him. 1Kings 10:9; 2Chronicles 9:8; Psalms 68:5, Malakhi 2:10, John 3:16, 16:27; Ephesians 5:2; Thessalonians 2:16; 1John 4:10-11
8. We believe that the Holy Scriptures include the 66 books of the combined Tanakh (Original Covenant) and the Brit Khadasha (Renewed Covenant) are the inspired Word of G-d, given to man so that we can more clearly understand G-d, know His love for us, and what He requires of us. Jeremiah 31:3; 2Timothy 3:16; Proverbs 8:17; John 14:15
9. We believe that the original manuscripts were inerrant in their giving and recording. G-d has preserved His word down through the ages in sufficient integrity to serve this day as authoritative for the matters written therein. Exodus 24:4-8; Deuteronomy 6:6-9; Acts 20:32; Romans 10:17; 2Corinthians 5:19; Galatians 6:6; Ephesians 1:13, 6:17; 2Timothy 2:15; 1Peter 1:23, 25
10. We believe that G-d has given us, Israelite and Gentile alike, His statutes and judgments in the Torah, and His revelation continued in His writings, prophets, apostles, and His Son. Exodus 12:19, 48-49, 20:10, 23:12; Leviticus 16:29, 17:12, 17:15, 18:26, 19:10, 19:33-34, 24:16, 24:22; Numbers 9:14, 15:14-16, 26, 29-30, 19:10, 35:15; Deuteronomy 1:16, 5:14, 10:19, 16:11, 14; Joshua 8:33; Ruth 2:10; Romans 2:12-29
11. We believe that Yeshua of Nazareth is the Messiah, and is the Son of G-d, and He did not remove Torah requirements, but was Torah observant, and taught us to keep His commandments. Torah, and the balance of scripture, is practical for both Israelites and Gentiles to learn the expectations of G-d and to follow those instructions that can be followed since the destruction of the temple and the scattering of the Kohanim (priesthood). Matthew 5:17-19; John 14:15, 23; Romans 3:31; 1John 2:3-4, 2:7, 3:22, 24, 5:2-3; 2John 1:6; Revelation 12:17, 14:12, 22:14
12. We believe that the beginning and end of the months of the year are established by the observance of the “new moon crescent.” Yisra’el went into error when Hillel II, a Rabbi who did not believe in the Messiah of Elohim, created a calculation by which to observe the feasts. The “church” went into the same error when Constantine replaced the Jewish feasts with PAGAN rites and rituals and created a similar calculated calendar, the Gregorian calendar followed by western society and the church. The moedim (holy days) are determined in the Torah by the new moon and the observance of ripened barley in Yisra’el before the season of Pesakh, and not by calculations, Jewish or Gentile. No man or organization may change the seasons of the Almighty, though by the spirit of anti-Messiah many have tried to alter the holy days. This spirit overwhelmed the church in 325, and has since altered all the holy days, desecrating the Sabbath of יהוה and all His feasts, replacing them with a mixture of biblical truth and rampant PAGAN ritual and human error. This is the sin of the golden calf repeated by the church. Bat-Tzion categorically denies all pagan feasts and their influence on our worship of the יהוה of the Bible and of His Messiah, Yeshua. Exodus 12, Leviticus 23; Numbers 27.21; Daniel 7:25 We further believe that the Sabbath day is the seventh and final day of every weekly cycle as was established in creation by יהוה . It was revealed to us with the extra portion of manna provided on the day before each Sabbath by יהוה in the wilderness, and has been perpetuated since by the Jews, and therefore cannot be discerned by any other method. Only by keeping track of the weekly cycle over the generations is sufficient for keeping the command to “remember the Sabbath day” in regard to its start and finish on the 7th day. Any other means of trying to set the Sabbath day, such as watching the sun, moon and stars, is not scriptural and will not work in determining the Sabbath. Genesis 1.1-2.3; Exodus 16:13-36; Exodus 20, Leviticus 23.

13. We believe that G-d called Avram out of Ur of the Kaldees, and even though both Avram and his wife Sara were well advanced in years, G-d gave Sara a child, Yitz’khak (Isaac), to carry the promise and the blessing given by G-d, that through Avram all nations shall be blessed. G-d changed Avram’s name to Avraham (Abraham) in that he will be the father of many nations. The blessing of Yitz’khak (Isaac) was specifically and exclusively passed to Yitz’khak’s son, Ya’akov (Jacob), and then to Ya’akov’s twelve son’s. G-d changed Ya’akov’s name to Yisra’el and the seed of Yisra’el are the Israelites. Nehemiah 9:7; Genesis 11:30, 12:1-3, 17:5, 15-17, 18:11-14, 21:1-3, 32:28; Exodus 6:8; Leviticus 26:42; Matthew 8:11, 22:32; Mark 12:26; Luke 13:28; Acts 7:8
14. We believe that Yisra’el was chosen to be a priestly nation for all the nations of the earth, and this duty has been partially fulfilled in the Messiah, but will not be fully fulfilled in Yisra’el until the thousand year reign of Messiah. Exodus 19:6; Hebrews 9:11; Ezekiel 46:1
15. We believe that G-d has scattered Yisra’el, all twelve tribes, into the nations of the earth, and they are all known as “Jews”. G-d has not abandoned Yisra’el . At this later time He is calling the Children of Yisra’el, The Jews, back into the Promise Land , Eretz Yisrael ( Land of Yisra’el ). Isaiah 51:11
16. We believe that Eretz Yisrael, promised to the descendants of Avraham, belongs solely to the descendants of Yisra’el (Ya’akov), today’s Jews. Exodus 6:8; Deuteronomy 1:8, 6:10, 30:20, 34:4; 2Kings 13:23; Jeremiah 33:26
17. We believe that the Messiah will return to Eretz Yisrael and establish His thousand year reign over all the earth. Acts 1:9-11; Zechariah 12:10; Ezekiel 46:1; Revelation 20:4
18. We believe that through the descendant of Avraham, Yitz’khak, and Ya’akov ( Yisra’el ), of the line of Yehudah, of the Branch of Yishai, of the seed of David, G-d has prepared His anointed One, the Messiah, to save His people. Isaiah 11:1-5; Luke 4:16-22
19. We believe that to facilitate the necessary requirements for Messiah, G-d chose a virgin, into whose womb He conceived a male child by His Ruakh, to be born as a human, who is also called the Son of G-d, and even called the son of man. He is the seed of the woman who is promised to crush the serpent’s (HaSatan) head. He was named Yeshua because He shall save His people. Genesis 3:15; Isaiah 7:14; 9:6-7; Matthew 1:23-25; Luke 1:26-35
20. We believe that Yeshua came to bring salvation to the Jew (Israelite) first, and then to the Gentile. It is the extending of salvation to the Gentile that fulfills the promise made by G-d to Avraham that “through you all nations shall be blessed.” [Gen 12:2-3] Genesis12:2-3, 18:18, 22:18, 26:4; Romans 1:16
21. We believe that Yeshua lived a sinless life, He is Torah observant, and He is One with the Father. G-d is ekhad (one) and is not divided, and Yeshua is the very presence of G-d on earth. This mystery has confounded man for two-thousand years. Before Yeshua was born, it was written “From Him the scepter shall not depart.” Yeshua told those around Him that “before Abraham was, Eyeh [I AM].” [Jn 8:58] Genesis 49:10; Isaiah 9:6-7; Micah 5:2; John 8:42, 8:58; Ephesians 3:9; Colossians 1:16; Hebrews 4:14-15. He is The Word of Elohim, manifested in a Body [John 1:14], but He is subject to His Father in obedience, and NOT the same ‘substance’ as His Father. He is a MAN, even still, wounded but resurrected from the dead and standing at the Right Hand of the FATHER, as the “Lamb that had been slain.” The Trinity of the Catholic church which says they are ‘one substance’ denies the human Body of Messiah, or the Spirit Body of Elohim in whose image we are created, and out of whom Yeshua manifested on earth. [John 8:42]
22. We believe that man is a created being made by G-d, in the image of G-d, and was originally placed in Gan-Eden (Garden of Eden). Genesis 1:26, 5:1-2, 2:8
23. We believe that we are to serve G-d and Him only as our G-d, our King and our Master, in all matters that are spiritual and physical as directed by Him in His scriptures. (cf. item 10) Exodus 23:25; Deuteronomy 13:4
24. We believe that sin is transgression of the Torah [Torah is defined as “instructions”, specifically in the first five books of the Scriptures, Genesis – Deuteronomy]. 1John 3:4
25. We believe that Adam sinned against G-d by eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and this disobedience (sin) brought death to all of mankind, curses, and expulsion from Gan-Eden. Both Adam and his wife Khavah (Eve) immediately died spiritually when they ate of the tree and died physically at a later time. Genesis 2:17, 5:5; Romans 5:14
26. We believe that because of Adam’s sin, everyone who is born is born of sin and is spiritually dead. Because of sin and spiritual death, all of mankind is in need of a Messiah to provide a way for the forgiveness of sin, so they may be made alive spiritually. 2Chronicles 6:36; Psalms 51:5; John 8:34; Romans 3:23; Romans 5:8-14; 1Corinthians 15:22
27. We believe that G-d has provided only one payment (atonement) for the forgiveness of sin, and that payment is death. Death is facilitated by the shedding of blood so that most things are atoned by the shedding of the blood of the transgressor. In His mercy, G-d allows us to present to Him a substitute to die in our place, and when the prescribed blood is shed in the prescribed manner, then through G-d’s unmerited favor, forgiveness is extended. At first, G-d prescribed specific animal sacrifice to serve as the substitute, and then, at the appointed time, His Son Yeshua gave His life, shedding His blood on the execution stake as the required unblemished (sinless) offering for the forgiveness of sin for all who would do t’shuva (repent) for their sin, and acknowledge Him as that necessary sacrifice. Thus, Yeshua’s blood sacrifice may be imputed upon us. His death was the necessary offering made once and for all, and it is perfect for the forgiveness of sin. It is effectual for all who would trust, from the time it was provided, during this present time, and into the future. Romans 6:23; Hebrews 9:22; Leviticus 4:26, 31, 35, 5:10, 13, 16, 18, 6:7(5:26), 19:22; Numbers 15:28; Acts 2:38; 3:19
28. We believe that all people (male and female) are born in sin, and therefore must have a blood offering for the forgiveness of sin as prescribed by G-d. Leviticus 17:11; Psalms 51:5 (51:7); 1John 1:8; Hebrews 9:22
29. We believe that forgiveness of sin is provided by G-d’s unmerited favor (grace). One is to go before G-d in prayer with a humble and contrite heart, asking for the forgiveness of one’s sin and accepting the blood atoning sacrifice of Yeshua as the necessary blood offering for the forgiveness of sin. When one approaches G-d in prayer with a humble and contrite heart, one is displaying the act of t’shuva (repentance). T’shuva is the turning from one’s sin, turning toward G-d and his instructions, and seeking His ways. G-d extends His forgiveness to those whom He has called and who have turned to Him seeking forgiveness of sin. This forgiveness of sin is not through any work or action of the sinner, but is a free gift provided by G-d to the sinner so that no one can boast. It is necessary to accept Yeshua’s blood atoning sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin: there is no other way to have right standing with G-d. Continued trust in this forgiveness affects SALVATION for the one who trusts. Salvation comes through trust [most call faith]: always has, always will. But trust produces obedience, always has, always will. But even people of trust err, always have, always will; and sin requires the shedding of blood, always has, always will; those before Messiah’s blood was shed put their trust in יהוה for salvation; yet they offered sacrifices when they erred. There was no individual offering for adultery and other heinous sins, EXCEPT UPON YOM KIPPUR, when the JUDGMENT was made for ALL THE NATIONS. The High Priest offered a final sacrifice of atonement for himself, and for all the people, FOR THAT YEAR. If those caught in sin obtained MERCY from the congregation for those more grave sins, then they were FORGIVEN upon Yom Kippur, because they applied TRUST TOWARD YAH, but they STILL had to offer the offering, UNTIL MESSIAH shed His blood.
So, they obtained forgiveness because of the trust they put in יהוה when they shed the animal’s blood, transferring their sin onto the animal by smikha [laying hands on it]. They could not be relieved of the guilt, but did trust in forgiveness and eternal salvation through יהוה. The remnant trusted continually, and those who did so by trust in יהוה and the hope of eternal salvation were SAVED. Those who did not do so by trust were forgiven because of their place in Yisra’el, not immediately judged THAT YEAR, but yet may NOT have been eternally saved. They were “covered”, and thereby Yisra’el and the world was protected from immediate judgment by the obedience of the remnant. In the same way, MESSIAH’s offering ‘covers’ the WHOLE WORLD, and so G-d has not yet punished the world, because Messiah shed His own blood…BUT, ONLY those who have abiding trust in יהוה that produces the evidence of obedience to His Word, and in His FINAL offering, actually receive SALVATION, which is different from and goes beyond “forgiveness”.
National and Individual offerings did not PURGE the believer of the guilt of the whole sin debt, but only acquired ‘forgiveness’ from the ONE sin or sins for which they made the offering. They were saved by abiding trust. They offered sacrifices in obedience. We are saved by trust, we offer sacrifices through obedience. They were forgiven because their trust produced obedience, the obedience of making the blood offering. We are saved because our trust produces obedience, we put our trust in the final blood offering and then obey. Yeshua said, “I am the way, and the truth and the life and NO ONE comes to the Father but by me.” [John 14:6] All who have not accepted the blood atoning sacrifice of Yeshua and begun to obey Him are in a condition of sin and spiritually separated from G-d. G-d is a just and righteous G-d that cannot allow unrighteousness into His kingdom. As such no one can enter into His Kingdom without accepting Yeshua’s death as a substitutional death for one’s sin. Ezekiel 14:6, 8:30; Matthew 3:2, 4:17; Mark 1:15, 6:12; Luke 13:3, 5, 16:30; Acts 2:38, 3:19, 17:30, 26:20; Romans 5:15-17, 8:10-11; Galatians 2:21; Ephesians 2:8; Hebrews 9:13-14; Revelation 2:5, 14:13

30. The Brit Khadashah [Renewed Covenant] in Messiah Yeshua brings with it a new creation of the human spirit. The Torah [Law/Teaching] of יהוה is planted inside the believer so that the Ruakh HaKodesh may indwell there. The Ruakh begins to write the Torah on the heart of the one who trusts, so that he may know יהוה . [Jer 31:33] An external immersion in water (tevilah) is performed to declare that this inward, life-imparting event has taken place. Jeremiah 31:31-34, Ezekiel 39:29.
31. The various enablements (gifts) of the Ruakh HaKodesh are given with authority to all those who ask יהוה and obey His commandments. The Promise of Abba, an extra imbuement of power and boldness for witnessing, is an immersion (spiritual tevilah) in the Ruakh HaKodesh. Each follower should seek to be filled with the various enablements of the Ruakh, through which Yeshua gives them as Abba wishes. Isaiah 28:11-12, Luke 11:13, Acts 1:4-5; 2:4; 5: 32, 1 Cor 12: 1-13, Eph 1:13.
32. The people of Yahu’ah are a holy Kahal [Assembly/Ekklesia] congregation, which is not of the world, in order to gather centrally and celebrate Him at His appointed holy Feasts, and to shine as lights of truth in the darkness, and to be a royal priesthood which praises His Name. Exodus 19:6, Leviticus 23, Matthew 16:18, 1 Peter 2:9.
33. We believe that the goals of the people of יהוה are:
34. We believe that those who are descendants of Yisra’el (Jews) who do not know Messiah Yeshua are like branches broken off of the Olive Tree of Yisra’el . When each one accepts Yeshua the Messiah’s blood atoning sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin, then G-d reattaches that one to the Olive Tree of Yisra’el . Those who are not of Yisra’el , who are the goyim (of the other nations; Gentiles) are of a wild olive tree. When one who is a Gentile trusts in the blood atoning sacrifice of Yeshua Messiah for the forgiveness of sin, then G-d removes them from the wild olive tree and grafts them into the Olive Tree of Yisra’el, and thus they are made One, both Jew and Gentile, in the Olive Tree of Yisra’el. Becoming one in the Olive Tree, there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for both are equal in the eyes of G-d, both will receive the promises made to Yisra’el , both will have a right to the Tree of Life in the New Jerusalem, and both will dwell the new earth. This oneness and unity does not discriminate between male and female or between master and servant. Acts 13:46; Romans 11:1-36
35. We believe that when one accepts Yeshua’s blood atoning sacrifice, it is because the Holy One, blessed be He, has called them, and they are made alive (quickened) in the spirit, and the Ruakh HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) enters into them and imparts spiritual manifestations as determined by G-d for the furtherance of His Kingdom. When one accepts Yeshua’s blood atoning sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin, then one is born again as a son or daughter of the Most High. John 1:12-13, 3:3, 3:7-8, 6:44, 14:15-16, 15:26-27, 16:13-16
36. We believe that when one is born again, they become a son or daughter of The Most High and are to grow as sons and daughters by being Torah observant, steadfast in prayer, and non wavering in trust (faith) in G-d. As stated, one is only saved by G-d’s unmerited favor (grace) through trust (faith), and this is not of our selves, not of works, least anyone should boast. [Ephesians 2:8] Torah observance therefore is not to achieve salvation, but to do what G-d requires of us because we love the Father and want to be obedient to His will, and to shine the light of Torah in the faces of those around us, as a witness. Yeshua said, “If you love me you will keep my commandments.” [John 14:15] Psalm 119:11, John 14:15, 15:10, Ephesians 2:8
37. We believe that G-d created an angelic realm of spiritual beings to work as messengers for His cause. These spiritual beings include the angels who are messengers of the most high, and those demons as determined and appointed by G-d who are angels that fell from their station of praise. G-d is in charge of the spirit realm and is in total control and has authority over all things. He has given certain of His followers a measure of that authority, to the measure that each understands that authority and has agreed with the plan of Elohim. Ezekiel 28:13, 15, Titus 2:15, Eph 4:27, 6:11, James 4:7, I Pet 5:8-9, I John 3:8-10
38. We believe that HaSatan (the adversary) is an angelic being and set in opposition to man to be his/her adversary. As such, HaSatan is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may destroy. HaSatan is appointed to fulfill his intended purpose and then will be discarded into the Lake of Fire burning with Brimstone at the appointed time. Job 1:6-7; 1Peter 5:8; Jude 1:6; Revelation 20:10

39. The practice of laying on of hands is to be carefully administered not only to the Body, but to the lost. For the Body, the gifts and power of the Ruakh HaKodesh can be administered through the laying on of hands at salvation and first immersion, at ordination/appointment to a specific office or task, and at times of immersion for repentance. For the hurting member of the Body, and for the world, the laying on of hands by one immersed in the Ruakh HaKodesh can bring healing to the body, the mind, and the soul, but it is not to be flaunted for show, nor done indiscriminately, but in discernment and obedience to Abba.

40. We believe that when one accepts the substitutional death of Yeshua, His blood atoning sacrifice is spiritually imputed (applied) to the door post of our lives (our heart). This is the fulfillment of the picture of the blood of the Pesakh (Passover) lamb applied to the doorpost of the houses of Yisra’el in Egypt on the night the Malakh יהוה (Angel of יהוה , a manifestation of Yeshua before He became a human) passed over those houses and spared the lives of the Israelites, but killed the first born males throughout the land of Egypt who did not have the blood upon their door posts. If we have accepted Yeshua’s atoning death, and His subsequent BODILY resurrection from the dead, then when we die in this world, we will pass to the afterlife to the Bosom of Avraham, and will be marked as sons and daughters of G-d. Because it is appointed unto all to die and then the judgment, those who have accepted Yeshua’s substitutional death and his subsequent bodily resurrection will be found written in the Book of Life, and those who have not accepted Yeshua’s substitutional death and his subsequent bodily resurrection will have their names blotted out from the Book of Life. As such, the judgment of the second death, the Lake of Fire burning with Brimstone, will “pass over” all who are found written in the Book of Life, but for all those who are not found written in the Book of Life, they shall be thrown into the Lake of Fire burning with Brimstone, which is also the final appointed place of HaSatan, his demons, death and she’ol (the grave, the kingdom of hasatan). Exodus 12:7, 13; Matthew 18:8, 19:29, 25:41, 46; John 1:12, 3:16, 36, 4:14, 5:24, 6:27, 40, 47, 12:50; 2Thessolonians 1:8-10; Revelation 3:5, 13:8, 17:8, 20:10-15, 21:27
41. We believe that Messiah Yeshua died on the execution stake on Pesakh, was buried and in the grave on Unleavened Bread, and was resurrected bodily from the dead three days later as a first Omer offering for Bikkurim (the morrow after the regular Sabbath after the Passover). He appeared to many people for 40 days. After 40 days He was taken up into heaven to sit down on the right hand of the Father. G-d then poured out His Ruakh HaKodesh on Shavu’ot upon those who trusted in His resurrection and received Yeshua’s blood atoning sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin. In the future, Yeshua shall raise the dead who died in trust, return to earth, judge the nations and establish a thousand year reign, thus fulfilling the Autumn mo’edim (appointed times) of Leviticus 23. All nations shall be required to go up to Yirushalayim from year to year to worship the King of kings, יהוה Tzeva’ot, the Messiah, during the thousand years. Hosea 3:5; Amos 9:11-15; Zechariah 14:1-19; Matthew 24:27-30; John 14:28, 16, 18:33-19:18, 19:40-42, 20:1, 29:11-16; Acts 1:1-11, 2:1-41; 1Corinthians 5:7; Revelation 20:4-6
42. We also believe that at the appointed time Yeshua shall hide His resurrected Bride and be joined to Her in unity, while the church and the world is driven to repentance through fiery trials. The Bride is made up of those who trust AND obey the commandments, being clothed in the righteousness of Messiah/Torah. The Messiah and His Bride, the Priesthood, shall return to earth and shall establish His Kingdom, establishing the tabernacle of David, and will rule and reign over those who are purged in the fire of tribulations, for a thousand years. In that day He shall be One and His name One. At the end of a thousand years, HaSatan will be released from the pit, where he will be confined before the thousand year reign of Messiah, and shall go out to deceive the nations once again. HaSatan shall gather them of the north for battle against Yeshua and His elect. At that time Yeshua shall consume them with fire. Zechariah 14:9; Revelation 20:4-10

43. Yeshua will judge all mankind of all acts and words ever committed, according to the Torah. He will decide the sentence for punishment, and all those not meeting His standard will be sent away from His presence, into outer darkness and eternal punishment of the sin. Matthew 25:31-46, Revelation 20.
44. The final plan for the Yisra’el of G-d is to bring the remnant of the faithful Jewish people, and the remnant of those believers who were formerly Gentiles, but recovered from the world by trust, back together and united into one holy people under one Shepherd, namely Yeshua, the Messiah, thus completing the unification of the People of יהוה . This is a necessary part of the restoration of all things spoken by the prophets. Hosea 1-2, John 17, Romans 9:26, Ephesians 2, Acts 3:21.
45. We believe that after the thousand year reign, G-d shall destroy the heaven and earth and shall create a new heaven and a new earth, or a new universe. Those who are saved by trust in the blood atoning sacrifice of Yeshua, demonstrated through repentance and right living, will live in the new earth, and He shall care for them. Isaiah 60:20; Daniel 9:24, 12:2; Romans 6:22; Jeremiah 10:10; Ezekiel 37:26; Daniel 4:3